CFRW Southern Division
CFRW Southern Division
Board of Directors Meeting & Luncheon
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
10:0am – 2:00pm
$15 per person
includes lunch
East Valley RWF Republican Headquarters
78780 Highway 111, La Quinta
(Between Hobby Lobby & Kohl’s)
“Women in Politics”
Linda Evans, Mayor of La Quinta
Hispanic Outreach Presentation
Joy Miedecke, CFRW Hispanic Membership Promotion Chair
Reservation Deadline date: Thursday, March 28th
For reservations, contact Karen Jerpseth by text, phone, or email at (949) 656-1770 or
Pay at Door, cash or check. If you make a reservation and find you cannot attend, please call to cancel by Monday, April 1. We pay for all meals reserved.