East Valley RWF & Heritage Palms Republican Club
Heritage Palms Republican Club & East Valley Republican Women
invite you to a
Brunch Event
at Heritage Palms Country Club
44291 S Heritage Palms Dr, Indio, CA 92201
Mark Meuser, GOP candidate for CA Secretary of State
Mike Hestrin, Riverside County District Attorney
Ruth Weiss, Founder of Election Integrity Project California
Theme will be Election Integrity
Cost: $35 per person
proceeds going to Mark Meuser campaign
Please RSVP to Bob Murphy at (760) 772-2564 or bobmurphy760@aol.com.
Reservations checks made out to HP Republican Club must be received by October 17th.
Mail to: Bob Murphy, 44-059 Royal Troon Dr, Indio, CA 92201