Make California Great Again
Preserving Consumer Choice is the most Potent Weapon in the Fight For Better Healthcare Outcomes.
We believe we must restore patient control to preserve quality in healthcare. This begins with the repeal of the dishonestly named Affordable Care Act of 2010: Obamacare. It is unworkable, budget-busting, and contains conflicting provisions. The ACA has driven up prices for all consumers. Insurance premiums have dramatically increased, and deductibles have risen nearly eight times faster than wages in the last ten years. Drug prices have skyrocketed, forcing many patients to pay out of pocket for costly medicines.
We must repeal the ACA and replace it with what worked best in the past combined with the necessary changes for the future. The traditional patient-physician relationship based on mutual trust, informed consent, and confidentiality must be restored. We will enable insurers and providers of care to increase healthcare options while containing costs.
All Americans should have improved access to affordable, high-quality healthcare, especially those struggling with mental illness.
California Must Be On The Front Line Of Healthcare Reform
States must regulate local insurance markets, and we must limit federal requirements on both private insurance and Medicaid. We will ensure that millions of low-income families are no longer priced out of the insurance market. All patients, including those with pre-existing conditions, will be able to obtain coverage in a robust consumer market. Price transparency is essential.
Empowering individuals and small businesses to form purchasing pools in order to expand coverage to the uninsured is a no-brainer.
Riverside Republicans Believe In Empowering Individuals and Small Businesses
Individuals with preexisting conditions who maintain continuous coverage should be protected from discrimination. Consumer choice is by far the most influential factor in healthcare reform.
The mobile workforce needs insurance coverage that can move with them from. The need to maintain coverage should not hold sway over where families can live and work. We must allow consumers to purchase insurance across state lines.
A Vote For Republicans Is A Vote For Better Healthcare Choices
We support common-sense reforms that will lower costs, ensure quality health care that Americans deserve, and end lawsuit abuse. We strongly oppose a government monopoly of health care.
Repeal Obamacare
Join Us In Our Fight To Stop Federal and State Overreach In Healthcare
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